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If you know of a site that should be included in our directory, please contact us with the details, after you review the guidelines on this page. We're interested in sites that offer goods / services or information related to our theme - baby showers.

Please note, however, that sites that do not meet one or more of the following guidelines will not be included in our directory.

  1. The submitted site must in no way promote discrimination on any grounds - whether of race, color, religion, gender, or other grounds not included here. Nor should it promote violence, hate, or illegal activities of any kind.

  2. It must not contain adult material.

  3. There should be no use of offensive or vulgar language, even if not directed against any specific race, color, religion, etc.

  4. The site must not link to other sites which violate the above conditions.

Please note that we reserve the right to exclude sites from our directory without assigning any reason.

If you come across links that don't work, inappropriate content on the listed sites, etc, please contact us.

Here's the information you need to give us in your email so that we can consider your site for inclusion.

  1. Site URL.

  2. Title and brief description of your site.

We normally review all submissions within 72 hours. Please note, however, that we reserve the right to exclude sites from our directory at our discretion.

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